Photo Gallery Options - Revisited

A few weeks ago, I posted that I would experiment with using Tumblr as my blogging platform.  I used Tumblr over the last few weeks.  I think it worked alright, but the workflow didn’t work quite right.  Trying to get posts to look the way I wanted was a bit too onerous.  When I post a photo, I usually want to provide some minimal background or support description.  I liked how Tumblr presented photos using the “Photo” post type.  But that format doesn’t support much in the way of descriptive text.  That forces me to use the “Text” post type and embed the photo.  These post types have different behaviors regarding options and the look and feel of the posts.

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Photo Gallery Options


I’m an amateur digital photographer. I’ve been doing this since about the summer of 2009. I photograph for personal reasons. Often, my photos are of interesting nature-focused subjects. However, I’m also known to take many photos at family events. I enjoy taking photos of sports, typically soccer or martial arts, that my daughters participate in.


Given this, I was immediately impressed with Apple’s MobileMe galleries and the ease with which I could share my photos with friends and family. I could create a unique username and password for each gallery. My friends and family had a visually pleasing means of browsing the photos and downloading them individually or in bulk.

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