The Curse of Knowledge

Curse of Knowlege


The curse of knowledge happens far more than we realize. Effective communication is not just about conveying information but also about ensuring that your message is well-received and understood. By working to establish a shared understanding, a common context, and a consistent frame of reference, we can avoid confusion and foster a deeper connection with our audience. Let’s strive to communicate effectively and make a positive impact in our interactions with others.

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Being More Active - The Sequel


This post is a bit about my background and what I envision for my blog going forward. I need to update my blog more frequently. An 8-year gap between posts is really long!

It’s been a while since my last post

I am updating my blog, one more time. I failed to achieve my objective in my previous blog post, Being More Active, which I wrote in 2016. That blog post was written three years after my last blog post in 2013. I suppose if we were to look at the posting gaps from a breaking personal records perspective, going from a three-year writing gap to an eight-year gap might be quite the record. I really should do better.

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Being More Active

It would seem that I’ve allowed this blog to become inactive. It’s been three years since my last post. To be honest, I was never much of a blogger so I’m not surprised this site has languished.

Going forward, I plan to write more frequently and expand the content to include more technology-related posts, particularly tutorials. As a Solutions Engineer at Hortonworks, I find plenty of opportunities to generate useful content based on my daily work.

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