Blog Hosting Platform
I’ve been working on my blog workflow recently. I’ve have used Ghost as my blogging platform for a few years. At $5 per month, it is hard to beat the value of the service. However, my needs are fairly simple when it comes to blogging, so I wanted to get back to the basics. I decided to switch to a static site generator because I’m simply not using any of the advanced features of Ghost.
Last night I went heads down and started migrating my blog. Over the course of a few hours I migrated my blog from Ghost to Hugo hosted via Cloudflare Pages. In the beginning of the process, I tested deploying Hugo via GitHub Pages. However, I felt the Cloudlare documentation and process was smoother with Cloudflare compared to Github. Because I already use Cloudflare for my DNS, it seemed like a natural choice for me.
Blog Workflow
My blog content is synced to a private GitHub repository. I’m using Visual Studio Code as my edtior. VSCode makes it easy to manage the structure of my blog posts, write and edit my posts using Markdown and track changes using the git integration. When I’m ready to publish a blog article, I simply change the front matter for the article from draft: true
to draft: false
commit and push my changes via git. Cloudflare Pages automatically detects the git commit and pushes the update to my blog. The process takes less than a minute. I did have to set an environment variable in the Cloudflare Pages build or my Hugo build would fail:
So far, I’m very happy with the performance of the site on Cloudflare Pages. The workflow is easy enough and currently works for my needs.
If you are interested, I’m using the Beautiful Hugo Theme.